Chromium (VI) Reducing Additive

Product Description 

SYNCHRO® 100 is a patent pending liquid additive that has been formulated around stannous sulphate


SYNCHRO 100 is used to reduce the level of soluble chromium(VI) ions present when cement is mixed with water.


Chromium is present as a trace element in the raw materials used in the manufacture of cement clinker. In the oxidizing burning conditions of the cement kiln chromium(VI) may form.

SYNCHRO 100 reduces this hexavalent chromium in aqueous cementitious systems to chromium(III), which forms a stable complex that precipitates.

Addition Rates 

SYNCHRO 100 has a linear dose response from 2-20 ppm of chromium(VI). Typical dose for 5 ppm chromium(VI) is between 120 and 200 ppm and for 10 ppm of chromium(VI) is between 200 and 350 ppm. Actual dose will depend on the desired cement shelf-life and on cement grinding and storage conditions. (Figure 1)

Product Advantages

  • Exceptional cement storage stability
  • Ease of use
  • Liquid Additive
  • No staining or retardation
  • Compatible with cement additives and concrete admixtures

Compatibility with Other Admixtures 

The use of SYNCHRO 100 does not influence the performance of cement, mortar or concrete. 

SYNCHRO 100 is compatible with commonly used cement additives and concrete admixtures.

Storage Stability 

Chromium(VI) levels of ≤ 2 ppm have been maintained for well over 3 months in cements treated with SYNCHRO 100. Storage stability at different plants depends on milling and storage conditions. (Figure 2)

Dosing Equipment and Storage 

See GCP recommended system configuration and materials of construction.


SYNCHRO 100 is available in 1 m3 IBC containers weighing approximately 1500 kg.

SYNCHRO 100 may also be supplied to certain locations in bulk.

Health & Safety 

All precautions defined on the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for SYNCHRO 100 must be followed.

Technical Services 

Field Engineers from GCP are available to assist in laboratory and mill test evaluations of SYNCHRO 100. | Servizio clienti in Italia:: +39 02 93537291

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GCP Applied Technologies Inc., 2325 Lakeview Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30009, USA
GCP Italiana S.p.A. - Via Trento, 7 - 20017 Passirana di Rho, Milano, Italy
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Last Updated: 2023-06-15